ni kawan2 aku..
kami sentiase bersama tak kira ape jua sekalipun !!
dari petang sampai malam.. aku dan mereka berdua menyantaikan diri d SUMMIT mall.. uuiisshh!!! letih gler.. seronok sangat2.. tak tahu ape yang best sangat kat sana sampai kami tak ingat nak balik umah.. hmmm nak wat mcm mane kan.. duit banyak mmg xbleh nak lekat kat umah.. kepada mereka tu thanks a lot!! i'm hepi hangout with two of you.. sebenarnya aku nak cite pasal lain tapi TERcerita pasal yang lain plak..!!
citenya sebenarnya yang ni..
kazen aku sowg ni minat sangat2 ngan MASHIMARO..
td kat summit tu la kami singgah kat kedai ala2 cenderamata mcm tu la agaknya.. TERjumpa MP3 mashimaro ni.. dengan tak semene2nya dye nak buy that MP3.. harga bleh tahan tapi dye yang xbleh tahan.. hahahaha !! kalo nak beli2 la kan.. aku oke je.. dye x beli pun.. pastu dye kate mcm nak nangis bile TERkenangkan bende tu.. OH MY GOD!! kesian jugak tengok dye.. nak tolong tapi aku bukan AHLONG!!
ape2 pun to my kazen.. dun wory!! you will get that MP3 as soon as possible..
nak cakap ape lg ye..
idea tibe2 je dah hilang..
wait the minute !!
tok !!
i've got an idea..
nak bagi lirik ni sikit ,,
Listen to me and try to understand
Look into my eyes and you will see
There's no need to doubt the love that we share
Cos we will make it work our way
Turn back the time, tell me how it all came
The true love that you've found sets me on fire
It isn't the touch that really matters so much
Emotions turn into desire
And you can be sure of this feeling so strong
And the love that comes shining through
Will make a whole new world
We'll be as one, and one for love
The love we share comes shining from above
We'll be as one, and the feeling's so real
Just you and me, we'll be together
It's just so hard when we are apart
The little voice in us will start to wonder
I know you would miss me I would be in you mind
Every second of the day
Look into my eyes and you will see
There's no need to doubt the love that we share
Cos we will make it work our way
Turn back the time, tell me how it all came
The true love that you've found sets me on fire
It isn't the touch that really matters so much
Emotions turn into desire
And you can be sure of this feeling so strong
And the love that comes shining through
Will make a whole new world
We'll be as one, and one for love
The love we share comes shining from above
We'll be as one, and the feeling's so real
Just you and me, we'll be together
It's just so hard when we are apart
The little voice in us will start to wonder
I know you would miss me I would be in you mind
Every second of the day
You will find and you will believe
That what we feel is a beautiful thing
As long as your love will stand true forever
We will always be as one